Saturday, July 23, 2011

Visiting the Reforestation site . . .
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 In solitude i walked to the Reforestation site in Musong-busong one afternoon. Not so lucky of me not to find the on site building probably because it is not there any more.
 This path I am sure leads to that building Im looking for but as I go farther, the bushes becomes more thicker and it's getting late and darker so i withdraw. Calm and serine it may be but..... hahahahahaha I got scared being alone on the middle of the forest!

  Often I come here to take a bath especially on hot summer days, but the most frequent visitors here are those working down by the river as sand and gravel laborers.
 On my search of the Reforestation field office, these i found instead. Whaaaalah! The calming beauty of nature at it's best. Fresh air, green leaves, bugs and flowers that kept me in awe!

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